Toysoft Development is having a 50% off holiday sale – Save on some very popular BlackBerry 10 apps


With the holidays so close (which means most of us are low on cash) our friends over at Toysoft Development has decided to save everyone some money by having a 50% off sale on some of their most popular apps. This BlackBerry 10 Christmas sale starts today and lasts until December 25th, so be sure to grab them fast. There are 10 apps that are part of the sale and we have that complete list below for you.

Here is the apps that you can save money on:

I have personally tried almost every one of these apps on my BlackBerry Z10, Q10, or Z30 and just so you know, they work perfectly. If for some reason you do need some developer support Toysoft has one of the best out there. He’s fast to reply to emails and is very helpful with any questions you may have.

Don’t forget this sale ONLY LASTS UNTIL DECEMBER 25th, so get the ones you are interested in today.