Jobs You Can Work From Home

With Covid-19 spreading and conventional job opportunities dwindling, a new market is beginning to be brought to light. This market contains everything from multi-level sales and associations to distributions under your own name or company names. For example, because of the pandemic, hours were cut at my day job and I was forced to look for alternative sources of revenue in order to save up for college tuition. 

Because of the virus, many jobs are becoming available to work from home. Getting a degree from an online coding school or tech university is the best way to get started in anything online, but there are many options available.

Just at this moment, a friend of mine reached out and offered me a job opportunity marketing for an app that he had just been hired on to. My job would be simple, I would set up skype or zoom meetings with those interested in investing or selling this app and give a presentation supporting our product. I would answer questions, ease concerns, and take the information of those looking at investing in said app. The wage was good, and the flexibility of the company seemed to work around my schedule. 

Because of various extremities in my life, I wasn’t able to stay at that job for as long as I had hoped, but it exposed me to the market that I had never seen before. I market that had been right under my nose, and had begun to grow since the outburst of coronavirus. This is the market of in-home corporate representation and distribution. 

There are companies out there who use their customers to create publicity and focus solely on “word of mouth” marketing. They recruit the assistance of their loyal customers and give them a percentage of whatever sales they make for the company. Every corporation is different, but I’ve heard stories of certain companies willing to give 50 percent of all earnings to their distributor. 

On the other hand, there are other stores that will give close to the same percentage, but in in-store credit. However, as previously mentioned, if you’re a loyal customer and would find yourself spending increasing amounts of money on this product anyways, it’s a good way to save the money you would have spent on their product regardless. 

One of the companies popular for hiring out distributors is Youngliving, the essential oils company. Rumor has it that they’re extremely good to work with and treat their customers and distributors with the utmost respect. If you’re looking for an alternative source of revenue without having to leave the comfort of your home, it might be worth giving them a shot.