5 Mistakes Your Employees Make that Threaten Your Security

Cyber crime costs businesses over $3.5 billion annually—and its rate is only increasing. With that staggering amount in mind, businesses should take measured steps to reduce the repercussions of this global threat.

However, security breaches aren’t always caused by sinister-minded individuals and groups lurking online to steal data. In many cases, your employees could be the weak link exposing your data and leaving vulnerabilities in your security framework. Through common mistakes, your staff may inadvertently expose your business, spelling doom for its cybersecurity.

Below are some common mistakes your employees make that threaten your cybersecurity.

Password Security

The objective of setting up passwords for your devices is to protect them from unauthorized access. However, it’s often all too easy for bad actors to hack into even password-protected computers.

Unfortunately, this happens because employees tend to use common, simple, and repeated passwords. Some workers have a habit of using the same combination for multiple devices, while others use the same password for years. Ideally, you should make passwords complex and not repeat passwords between accounts. Experts usually recommend a mix of alphabets, numbers, and symbols to form a secure password.

Web Security

Although some ads are verifiable and contain credible news content, many clickbait ads to entice you onto an unsecured website. In most cases, these sites are filled with malware that could compromise your office web security by tracking and installing malicious programs on your machine.

This possibility is just one reason why employees should use work computers only for their official purposes. An experienced Mustang IT company can install systems that block suspicious sites on computers on your network to avoid this risk altogether.

Other malware could be embedded in attached files to unknown emails activated when the employee opens or downloads the said file. As a solution, avoid opening emails from suspicious addresses. If your account is up to date, your computer can immediately shelf those as spam. However, if in doubt, delete them altogether.

Using Unverified, Unauthorized, or Unknown Devices

The habit of sharing external USB devices for office computers is a dangerous practice, as pen drives and USB devices are standard hubs for digital viruses and worms. Therefore, you’d have an emergency cyber issue if you use an infected drive for multiple office computers.

Sometimes, the damage isn’t detected until it’s too late, as some viruses on the surface are designed as files, waiting to cause havoc on your computer. Moreover, while some are programmed to replicate and send files clandestinely to a host computer, others wipe sensitive files from your system. Either way, the repercussions are dire. As an employer, you have to implement policies that forbid unauthorized USB devices on work computers.

Unauthorized App Installations

A significant security threat to any company’s network is the installation of unapproved apps. Apps are complex programs that make them conducive to hide malware and sinister codes.

To solve this issue, you have two options to explore. First, you should avoid granting administrative access to employees except when necessary. Secondly, you have the option to organize employee awareness training on third-party credibility. Regardless of what route you take, the purpose is to restrict unauthorized app installations. 


Tapping into Free Wi-Fi Hotspots on Work Devices

Remote working is now the order of the day, and even though it has brought relief to some employees, it has become an avenue for cyber invasions. It’s risky to tap into a free Wi-Fi connection to work on office files or sensitive company documents because people can easily hack it.

By using a secure network that includes DNS filtering, you can protect your company’s digital and online systems from unwarranted invasions. It will also help if employees disabled file-sharing on corporate mobile devices as this is another platform that hackers quickly access.

Enhancing your company’s cybersecurity is a mandatory measure since cybercrime advances as technology develops. Therefore, always ensure your systems are updated and conform to the latest security standards.